Saturday, August 25, 2007

Girl's Lunch (Thanks Mr. Gore!)

Yesterday, I went and had my very first, non-work girl's lunch in KL. I met up with Reese, an American who just moved here with her husband.

We ended up at Santini's in KLCC. I was a bit worried because lunchtime on Friday's at KLCC can be crowded, the likes of which Toys R Us the week before Christmas has never seen. But we got there a bit early, so no problems at all.

By the way, Santini's? Ten ringgit ($2.80 US) glasses of wine during their happy hours. Move over Boone's Farm, Sarah has found something better!

By the way, Part Deux. I love how it's "Happy Hours" here, rather than just "Happy Hour". Because when you think about it, "Happy Hour" in the US isn't really just an hour, is it? It's usually three...or four...or six if you are so inclined. So Malaysia has hit the grammatically correct nail on the head, so to speak.

Anyway, we had a lovely lunch! Donna is the one who got us in touch with each other. Reese and Donna got to know each other a couple of years back, via the blogosphere. Donna and I have known each other since 1998, when we met at work and bonded over our shared love of Lulu's Bait Shack and sarcasm (What a great Dallas bar Lulu's was! It closed some years back, but I still look back fondly on their fishbowl drinks and John Denver singalongs.) Anyway, Donna and I have been friends ever since. So she, of course, knew that I moved to KL, and what do you know? She knew Reese, who also happened to be moving to KL. So Donna hooked us up online, and we went and had a really nice lunch.

Ain't the internet great?


At August 26, 2007 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sick with jealousy and other un-southern emotions right now that 1. Reese got to see you and I haven't seen you in forever and 2. that you met Reese in person! I want pictures! I want blow-by-blow accounts of the conversation!

At August 27, 2007 at 12:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahah @ Donna.
I give the whole thing a 9/10. Donna, if you had been there, it would have been 10/10 :)

I had a great time. We have to do it again after you're back from Dubai. And maybe we can also all 4 go out for dinner some night after you all have recovered from your travels.

PS-who is mr. gore? and yeah, I'll be going back there for wine again.


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