Friday, May 25, 2007

Finale in the Sweater Trilogy

Okay, I just have to laugh. Thank God for Lexapro.

As you may recall, we called NeroVivo last night and located The Sweater. In their office. We told them we would be by tonight to pick it up.

So we went by tonight, and figured we would just have dinner while we were there. We were seated, and after we ordered our appetizer, we asked our server about the sweater. He said, "Oh, you're Sarah?". Great, now the waitstaff knows me. Shit, I was nice and everything about it. Now I have a reputation. Now I am The Patron Who Will Not Stop Calling About Her F*cking Sweater. I replied that yes, I called about my sweater, and he says that it is in the office and he will go get it.

So we munch on the tuna carpaccio while we wait to be reunited with my sweater. You guys know what's coming now, right? If you live in KL you do.

The waiter comes out...with a gorgeous pink floral pashmina shawl and holds it up hopefully. "Is this it?" Okay, I'm still cool about this. I keep thinking "I'm the one who left it. This is my fault." Although I have told multiple people that I left a black sweater, which means that it's a sweater, not a shawl, and it's black, not pink floral. I'm just saying. God, I am such a bitch sometimes.

So I told them nicely that it wasn't mine, so they, after an apology, took the floral shawl back to the office. Again, not their fault, my fault. They tried. Turns out that one of our servers was the one that I spoke with on the phone the other day. She very nicely apologized (like it's her fault or something) and tells us that she feels guilty because she's the one who found it. I'm thinking, she put it in the Sacred Reception Drawer, so it's so not her fault. And then I began to feel like an ass, even though I have been totally appropriate during this whole thing, which is somewhat of a crapshoot these days. It's like when you break up with a boy and they say that they want to see other people. You hold on to hope that one of those people may be you and that you may be reunited one day. If they just said screw you, I'm gone, I'm finding someone else who will take care of me, then you don't hold onto hope. But I have been Wishing and Hoping...I wish they would have cut the cord already, but the fact that they didn't means that I have something to post about and, thus, is keeping me out of the candy dish tonight. All about the silver lining. At least by seeing the pink pashmina I realize that I'm not the only one who leaves clothing in swanky Italian restaurants in KL. Before, I thought maybe I was just a lush. Now I feel like one of the crowd.

So M and I laugh about it and toast my lost sweater. Did I mention that I love Lexapro? Did I mention that when you remember to take it every day it makes all the more effective?

Later someone ELSE comes up and mentions the sweater while M and I were having dessert. Now I am beginning to have a complex, because they all know Sarah of the Lost Sweater. One might think that if that many people know about the Sweater Incident that one might know where the thing is. I'm just saying...

That thing is somewhere in that building. But I've made my peace. The Sweater is gone. And I'm sure, as nice as I was, that someone spit in my food.


At May 27, 2007 at 4:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,

Hi, it's me. I miss you! I am having a good time traveling around KL but I want to come home and see you. You take such good care of me. So far, I've been to karaoke twice (LOVE that "Sister Golden Hair", anything by Prince is just FAB) and was propositioned last night by a rather nasty looking "Man of the Evening." He wanted to take me home and wrap me around his....sore foot. I think he has a foot thing. Right now I'm having a little snack at KFC. Love that Original Recipe! Hopefully we will be reunited soon. LYLAS! Stay sweet! BFF, Your Sweater

At May 28, 2007 at 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I just choked on my pickle after reading the sweater series.

I really have nothing to say other than...I'm laughing and crying with you.


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